Thursday, September 23, 2010

to be constructive, or not to be..

I realised some people really really cannot accept constructive feedbacks. This is crucial if you want to earn ppl's respect and to improve yourself. Especially at the management level, the ability to digest comments and take it from there will benefit not just himself/herself, but also the whole working team and even the whole organisation.


That will only happen in an ideal situation.
Everyone is opened to constructive comments and feedbacks, no personal attacks allowed.
However, this kind of ideal situation does NOT occur everywhere.

AND it is definitely not in my department.
Things did not improve after the discussion the other day, in fact, the situation gotten from bad to worse. All of us do not talk to her unless necessary, she will just pass us the things to do and assumed we'd know what she wants to do or what was the instruction given by the higher levels. She would just say 'you coordinate for this/that/blah' or 'do everything'. There is an increasing level of 'bo chap-ness' in her now, if she is not IC of that particular job, she doesn't even look like she care about the updates during team meeting.. and we felt like she is jus waiting for the time when we will get into trouble for not following the instructions given (since it wasn't clear from her and it's very vague what we were supposed to do).

A time-bomb ticking nearby...

The sarcasm in her tone even spreaded to people from other dept or even the cleaner. For instance, the item from an auction has been delivered to the office before packing and send over to the owner. The cleaner merely said "wah so pretty".. And she made a sarcastic remark in return "of cos la, very expensive leh, $**K leh!". I mean, u do not have to make the cleaner Aunty feel tt she is poor and couldn't afford the item right?! Your moodiness should not vent on other people. Then later the day, another colleague was curious and asked who bid for the item, she said "some kind soul lor" and gave a very irritated face (like, 'stop being so KPO la you' face). This colleague is slightly chubby, and said "the owner must be very slim.. Blah blah" and yet she can still sneer rudely in agreement. Oh my TIAN!

I do not know whether she did it on purpose, or she is really immature for her age + designation. We registered for a course as a team, but due to limited slots, we have to split into 2 groups. My colleague and I wanted to go to the first class, and the other colleague doesn't mind going to the second class. She WANTED to go to the first class, but sadly we took up the slots earlier than her. SO, she wasn't happy and forwarded the email to our boss to make the decision. Luckily boss said this is a small matter and we shld decide on our own... THEN she insisted to draw lots to who goes to which class. (THINK, CHILDISH? at the age of 40+, want to fight with 2 'kids' at half her age...). The other colleague mentioned he does not want to draw lot and willingly give us the 2 slots for the first class :D (*Thank U to uuuu!). HENCE she has no choice but to keep quiet and showed us the SUPER BLACK FACE. Seriously cannot take it..

Dark clouds seemed to be looming above our heads every day, especially dark and heavy + lightning seemed to strike anytime in the morning. Ignore greetings from us, always pull on a long face (now, who is the more EXPRESSIVE one? p.s. will talk about this 'expressive' thing in the next post)

I kinda regret being so opened to discussion and feedback about her and stuff earlier this week. But seriously my colleague and I could not take her bossiness (to the MAX) and unreasonable-ness when she is stressed at work.
I do not know how much longer I can tahan this kind of rubbish from someone at the managerial level, see more than 8 hours from Mon to Fri, 4 hours on Sat...
I guess all I can do is 忍 and do my part, ignore her and still do my part.

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