Wednesday, September 2, 2009

my little COOKIE monster.

Let me introduce a super duperrrr cuteeee toy-sized poodle to you! :)

*drum rolls.....

his name is COOKIE! :)
the 8 months old poodle.

OOPS! he just woke up from nap, on my lap. HAHA! (o.O)

don't call him cookie monster ok!?
he is not a monster. (though he made me had several sleepless night due to his wincing at night.. and kept peeing around - not yet toilet trained, so i had to do a lot of cleaning.)

he is just a super timid poodle. i guess all of us looked like giants to him.

he is super cute right! :)

loves to eat, and will show you his tricks (on 2 legs) to get u to reward him/feed him.

before his bath, i put him in a tub. lol.

he is an angel when he is asleep

I've uploaded more photos of Cookie in FB @

This is the story why i get to keep a puppy, even when mummy refused to let me keep one all along...

Over the weekends, I've been asking around if anyone wants to buy Cookie. Aunt bought him at $1300 (original price $1800 but she managed to slash the price by $500. woah! pro bargain-er. HAHA.) and wanted to sell him at $800. She has another West Highland Terrier, and ordered another reddish brown coloured poodle (still at pet shop cos she is a newborn.) and plus Cookie = 3 doggies at home. Uncle doesn't want to have so many dogs at home, sooooo... she wanted to sell this cute little cookie away.

I've always like Cookie since the time i saw him @ aunt's place. Uber cute, looks like a white fur ball, and follows my aunt especially when he is afraid of unfamiliar faces. A precious darling! So when aunt told us her decision, i was v upset. She asked me to help her find a new owner (that's why i texted some of you), and asked if i would like to take care of him for a week before he is sold - which i begged mummy to allow.

The first night was a disaster.
The moment we got back to my home, cookie started 'sticking' to me like magnet (which i kinda like it. HEHE.). He is not toilet trained and pee-ed in the living room and the kitchen. It was my first time cleaning pee pee. *ewww. But i told myself, if i want to keep Cookie (before returning to aunt), i must learn and take up the responsibilty to tc of him. I brought him to the garden downstairs to poo poo, and had to pick the poo poo up. That's worse, considering i don't even dare to clean poo poo from lizards/cockroaches and other pests. Luckily he doesn't poo at home, only pee at home. LOL.

The first time was always the hardest, and i did it! :)

Bedtime came... we decided to keep him in the kitchen with his "bed" and closed the kitchen door. I actually had to tuck him into the bed, ran out of the kitchen, and close the kitchen door. He started scratching the door and winced. Good thing about Cookie is that he rarely barks, so he is less noisy. Except at people he dislike or when he is jumping and playing with you. We ignored him, cos we wanted him to get used to the new environment.

This is his 'bed'.

At 4am, it started raining. Mummy and I woke up to close the windows. The moment we opened the kitchen door, he ran to me, shakily. The kitchen was in a mess: newspaper we laid on the floor was badly torn, pee-ed on mummy's cabinet, pee-ed on the floor and pee-ed on his 'bed'. I hugged him, den cleaned him while mummy cleaned the mess. He refused to sleep = mummy and i couldn't sleep.

So, on the second night, we put him to sleep with me in my room. I need to show him at least 1 part of my body, eg leg or arm, when i m lying on my bed, or else he would stand up and make noise to 'notify' me. HAHAHA. sounded funny? it's super tiring and i didn't sleep well on my second night with Cookie. Same goes to the third and forth day.

Mummy couldn't take it cos she sees her daughter turning into a PANDA. So yest, we had to send cookie back home to my aunt. Boohoo. Yesterday morning, we wanted to bring him out for the daily morning walk... but he refused to buldge, refused to leave my place. I had to drag him out cos i don't wan poo poo in my home. Mummy guessed probably Cookie knows he is returning back to aunt, hence refused to head out. Made me even more sad! After several days of sleeping with him, hugging him, letting him tail and lick and leaped on, I grew attached to him. No choice, a deal's a deal. I need to return him to aunt anyway...

Then good news came. Aunt saw the way Cookie stick to me @ her place, and cookie's ignore to her callings, she decided to give Cookie to me!!! :DDD No more selling to strangers and worrying about cookie. However, mummy was reluctant. All along she refused to let me keep a dog. After much persuasion from my aunt, cousins and myself... she made another deal with me. We will bring cookie home for another week. If he can become more independent, ie, don't need to sleep only @ the sight of me.. and can be toilet trained within this week, I can keep him forever!!! YAY!

Hopefully cookie can pass all the 'tests' and stay with me! :D

All advices to train doggies are welcome! HEHE.

p.s. thanks qiqi sis for the great advices too! :)

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