Thursday, September 17, 2009

shoot and BANG!

I just BANG-ed myself yesterday!

nope, nobody was injured (SHOOT.. shoot! BANG!).
except my hair. HEHE..

i cut bangs, once again. third time with bangs, each time different style of bangs. :)
first time slanted, second time dolly, third time toot toot style. HAHAHA!

bf and mum kept asking me to cut my hair shorter.
so, in the morning after Mac breakfast w bf, we went to the hair salon which bf always goes to.
initially he wanted me to cut 6 inches.
it was not easy keeping the hair so longgggggg...
...cutting short is just within a few snips.
it was ard the waist area... and now, its 4 inches shorter. FOUR!!! :(

so that's how i looked now:

Had 2 late evening dance practices for 2 consecutive night (tue and wed). uber tired! especially when i reached home at near midnight on tue, and had to wake up early the next morning to feed + walk cookie.. before the haircut on wed.

Kinda worth it though, for sacrificing the sleeping time. cos i received compliments from bf, parents and dance babes for the new haircut! wheee!

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