Friday, July 3, 2009

a brand new beginning <3


I've decided to resume blogging after a 6months hiatus, and moved my blog from (used from nov 2003 to nov 2008) to now. One reason for the change is... I can upload photos directly now! :) [i need to pay to upgrade to a premium account @ diaryland to upload photos. hrrmpf]


but before i can always include photos in my entry, i need to get a nice slim digital camera. my 5mp Omnia hp camera does not give me nice photo qualities at night. RARRR! the flash is uber uber strong, and if i use the flash within close distance, either the nose or half the face "disappear" because the light is tooooo bright!

For example....

Free Image Hosting at

TEEHEEs. jess 'without nose'! :(

Several of my close friends (names kept discreet) are dealing with tough issues right now. I do not know what else i can do during this period, except to promise to lend a listening ear, be your pillar of support, and shower you with my love!
You girls ought to know i m always here alright! No matter wad! <333
When people tried to pull you down, stand up strong and show them you are not afraid of them.
When people say/do mean stuff to hurt your feelings, cry out loud (away from them ah!) and don't brood over it.
When people spread untrue rumours about you to tarnish your reputation, heck them, they will get their retribution one day (not being as bad as them... but i believe this is true. Karma.),
If you fall out of a relationship... don't worry, you have other friends who still care about you - MEEEE!!! :)

I love you, girls! I really do... (OF COS, i love my bf a lot too la! HAHA. and i m gonna miss him for the weekends cos he is out-of-town. boo.)

I had a nice evening with shan and kay yesterday night @ butter factory, for studio wu's Wu Amplify launch event! woots! and i was really excited to see a primary school friend (EDE!) after 11 year.. so pretty, danced beautifully. *applause*

The photos are with kay kay.. so need to get from her first. (that's why i said i need my own digi cam la. lol.)

i seriously need to rest for now, because i stayed up till 330am to vet my schoolwork and woke up at 715am to submit it today. (special thanks to NID and ben, if you are reading this.) totally zonked out. KUNGFU PANDA JESS. :p

do leave me a comment below with your url if you want to be linked! :)



  1. Nice blog ^^
    Hope u didn't get any "flu" @ butterfactory. =p

  2. Thanks ray! :)
    i didn't get any flu. was there jus for dance performances, not to club. HEHE!


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