Monday, July 13, 2009

a LOVEly weekend :D

It was a great weekend! :D

Had a gathering with my pri 5and 6 school friends..FINALLY, after 11 years! :)

Went to 15 Minutes at Lasalle School of the Arts, which my cousin recommended for big gatherings. A relaxing place, with a small stage for live bands. The building looks uber cool right? :)

It was a pretty nice turnout for the lunch meet-up, 13 pri sch classmates + 1 form teacher (plus a baby!).

And shiying's baby! CUTE CUTE ALVIS! awww. so adorable and uber strong!!! i bet he is gg charm many girls when he grow up!

After gathering, I went to baby's birthday chalet. 3 July babies celebrating their birthday on that sat.

Happy Birthday Tiffany!
Happy Birthday Junsheng!

It was only my 2nd time staying over @ friends' chalet. cos... my parents are pretty strict, so I dun normally get the chance to stay overnight! woots! UBER HAPPY! (my cousin showed me the thumbs up sign! hehe).

Most of them stayed up the whole night playing Texas Poker and MJ! I accompanied baby with his poker... but dozed off several times. HEHEs. it's not easy staying up since i always need to sleep at last 8 hours a day. :p

and guess what was my first cup of drink in the morning, 7ish am?



Margarita mixed with Tequila.

omg la!


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