Friday, July 17, 2009


My baby gave me his email/FB password (without me asking for it!).

This actually means a lot to me.. This meant that my bf does not have anything to hide from me and is 100% honest to me. *beams*

I remembered having a conversation on such topic with some of my girlies previously. Their bfs refused to reveal the password to them, due to some 'privacy' reason. Yeah, it's true everyone needs their privacy. However, sometimes, a girl asked for your password not to check on you or restricts you from interacting with other girls, but to test if you can be totally open to her, show her: "Hey, I have nothing to hide.", by giving them the access.

Girls are more emotional by nature, as compared to guys. To a girl, especially in a long-termed r/s, security is an important issue. (well, perhaps to guys too?)
Revealing his password to his girl, [and not change it immediately after that ok!] gave that additional sense of security, which seemed like an invisible bind that bond the 2 of them together. :D

i m not asking all the guys to give their gfs the password, or all the girls to ask their bfs for password (and vice versa)... but maybe, when your partner asked for it, CONSIDER it seriously and not just reject immediately.

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